Healthy Habits
4 Must-Have Travel Apps
Looking to make traveling a little more stress-free? Download these apps to make the most of your trip.

Turo is the Airbnb, but for cars. A cheaper way to book a car rental, Turo is a reliable and easy to use

App in the Air
Your personal travel assistant is in your pocket with App in the Air. Get real time status of your flight, airport tips and tricks and more all in one place.

Rome2rio: Trip Planner
It’s simple–enter any address on the app and Rome2rio will instantly display a variety of things to do, places to eat and visit all surrounding your destination.

Trip It
Type-A personalities will love this app! Trip It helps you plan and share your itinerary with the rest of your group. No more, “What are we doing today?” With Trip It, you’ll have it all planned out.